Django URLs in 100 words

The next component of Django to cover is another key component of building a website, URLs or more precisely URL patterns. There are two types of URLs in Django, static and dynamic.

Static urls are fixed (eg /about or /team). these are the simplest urls to implement as follows:

  path('about', views.about, name='about'),
  path('team',, name='team'),

Dynamic urls can capture certain aspects of a URL as a variable to pass to the view. For example looking at a profile page or an item in an online store. Variable capture includes strings, integers, slugs, uuid, paths or a custom regex. This is used as follows:

    path("articles/<int:year>/", views.year_archive),
    path("articles/<int:year>/<int:month>/", views.month_archive),

Here we have 2 urls, the first has a single argument named year that is passed as an integer to the view and the second view passed year and month to a view as integers.

Finally Django URLs have the include function, this allows the nesting of urlpatterns under a common prefix. This is useful for simple organisation or the reuse of a set of URLs in multiple contexts (eg reusable apps), for example:

# in articles/
url_patterns = [
    path("<int:year>/", views.year_archive),
    path("<int:year>/<int:month>/", views.month_archive),

# in project/
  path('articles/', include('articles.urls'))